About Us

UAFL (UNITED AKKREDITERING FORUM LTD) is an independent certification board. UAFL provides accreditation to Certification Bodies for various Management System Schemes as per ISO 17021, Personnel Certification Bodies as per ISO 17024, Inspection Bodies as per ISO 17020 based on assessment of their competence as per its criteria and in accordance with UAFL and International Standards and Guidelines.

It operates in accordance with relevant international standards and requirements and maintains integrity and impartiality while taking into account national and public interest. UAFL aims to establish an independent, impartial and transparent accreditation system. As a not-for-profit accreditation body, decisions made by UAFL are not subject to any commercial or financial obligations. UAFL is internationally recognized and objective of becoming a signatory to international Multilateral / Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MLA / MRA) simultaneously ensuring measures to safeguard impartiality and objectivity of its accreditation process.
Accreditation approval committee makes decisions concerning about granting and continuation of accreditation services.